Imagining Equity: The Gifts of Christian Feminist Theology



Christian feminist theology challenges traditional theology and church practices that have restricted half of God’s people from serving Go and the church as priests, pastors, teachers, and baptizers. this book offers a constructive argument and biblical examples to suggest a dynamic adaptation and revision of customs in narratives, prophecy, and wisdom, including especially the incarnation and in Jesus’s life and teaching.

After carefully defining “feminism” and examining the biblical text, the author emphasizes that outsiders and “othered” peoples are represented in the Bible as loved and used by God, even though the privileged have actively discriminated against them and continue to do so both in and out of ecclesial structure.

Christian feminists seek to find, listen to, and raise the voices of women and others’ experiences through diverse means, in order to contribute to the spread of the gospel, redemption, and justice for all.


About the Author

Karen Strand Winslow teaches biblical studies at Azusa Pacific University in southern California. She holds a master’s degree from Asbury Theological Seminary and a PhD from the University of Washington. She has authored and edited numerous publications and is an ordained elder in the Free Methodist Church.


Karen S. Winslow




Wesley's Foundery Books (Feb 2021)



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